20-23 February 2025

Allspel 2025

Umefolk's Allspel - a unique gathering of musicians, based on the force of welcoming everybody equally. Children, adults, beginners and professionals from all over the world.

Mp3 sound file with all songs in the correct order:

Pdf-collection of all songs with melody and chords, customized for double sided printing and stapling:

Sheet music and recordings:

Some scores have level gradings N1-N4. _leadsheet is usually for melody and chord instruments.

Open rehearsals in Umeå
(You can also just show up at the allspel without prior rehearsals! But for security reasons, the space on stage will be limited.)

Monday 17/2
18-20 Rehearsal at Midgårdsskolan, Stora Orkestersalen. Follow the signs to find the room.

Thursday 20/2
18-20 Rehearsal at Idun, Umeå Folkets Hus.
After the rehearsal we will probably have a jam session somewhere.

Fredag 21/2
15-17 General rehearsal at Idun, Umeå Folkets Hus
18.30 Allspel at Idun, Umeå Folkets Hus

Any questions? Contact Allspel leader Anton Teljebäck antonteljeback@gmail.com .

Live stream Allspel 2024:

Live stream Allspel 2023:

Live stream Allspel 2022:

Digital Allspel 2021:

Follow the allspel at Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/allspel_umefolk/

Umefolk's Allspel is organized together with Kulturskolan Umeå with support from Umeå Kommun.

Allspel leader is Anton Teljebäck 
antonteljeback@gmail.com +46(0)703299492 (text messages for urgent questions, e-mail is preferred.)